1st Team Girls:
Abby Reams
Jenna McJunkin
Sarah Jane Shipley
Brooke Linard
Chloe Warren
2nd Team Girls:
Tamar Amrani
Hannah Litvak
1st Team Boys:
Alex Loffredio
Oliver Abbott
2nd Team Boys:
Jensen Elwell
Jude Wright
Andrew Halligan
Brodie Munn
Dekalb County All County Team selections have been released! Congratulations to the following XC Wildcats for their amazing season and for receiving the honor of being on an All-County Team. You are truly some of the best in Dekalb. Go Wildcats!
1st Team Girls: Abby Reams Jenna McJunkin Sarah Jane Shipley Brooke Linard Chloe Warren 2nd Team Girls: Tamar Amrani Hannah Litvak 1st Team Boys: Alex Loffredio Oliver Abbott 2nd Team Boys: Jensen Elwell Jude Wright Andrew Halligan Brodie Munn We want to give a special shout-out to Ed Connor for all of his fantastic photo contributions.
Please click on the photo to view the slideshow. The link is also available on the Links page. Congratulations to all of our athletes for an exceptional 2024 season!
State This past Saturday, our very own DHS Wildcats competed in the 5A State Championship! Boys: Our boys ran excellently in what was for many of them their very first state championship race. Junior Alex Loffredio had the race of this life where he left everything on the course for a 3rd place individual performance. Alex was the only wildcat to receive a medal on Saturday and it was well earned. Senior Oliver Abbott (68), Freshman Jensen Elwell (78), Senior Jude Wright (115), Junior Andrew Halligan (119). Junior Ben Snead (123), and Freshman Alex Marcus (142) were the rest of our runners and placed 14th overall as a team. We know our boys will be making a habit of running at State in the years to come and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to our seniors on this team! Girls: The clouds parted and the heat set in for a very warm state championship, but our girls were unbothered! Freshman Sarah Jane Shipley led the way with a 55th overall finish, followed by senior Abby Reams (61), freshmen Tamar Amrani (81) & Brooke Linard (91), and seniors Hannah Litvak (105), Chloe Warren (115) & Jenna McJunkin (131). The girls placed 13th overall which was 2 places better than they did last year! We will certainly miss the immense contributions our 4 Varsity Seniors make every race while the future is very bright for the girls team with 3 freshman in our top 5. We are very proud of our girls this season! Banquet Our XC 2024 Banquet will be on Wednesday, November 13th at St. Lukes Presbyterian Church! We will begin dinner at 6:30pm and the ceremony will begin at 7:00pm. We can't wait to see everyone there to celebrate our season! Please dress nicely (business casual). NO PAJAMAS. Alumni Run Spead the word! The 2024 alumni run will be on Wednesday 11/27 at the DHS track! All current and former DHS XC runners are welcome! Go Wildcats!!! We need your photos by Saturday!!!!
For the end of season XC slideshow, please upload your best photos to one of these services: For those using Apple iCloud – If people want to use their iPhones or Macs I have set up a shared Photos Album. People just need to send me their Apple ID phone number or email address and I will add them so they can share to this album. For those using Google Photos – I also set up a Google Photos Shared Album that people can access at the following link. I can also add them manually if they send me their Google email address. https://photos.app.goo.gl/LUckxgwyMfMG2WeKA Email: Kevin Bacon | [email protected] Dunwoody XC, our Wildcats are headed to State!
Sectionals It was a beautiful morning in Lyons, GA when our Dunwoody Wildcats stepped up to the starting line, knowing only the best 12 teams were moving on. They raced courageously and the coaches could not be prouder of what they accomplished. Boys: Region champion Alex Loffredio led our boys to a 7th place overall finish! Jensen Elwell, Oliver Abbott, Andrew Halligan, and Jude Wright were our 2-5 scorers and together they took care of business on the course. For the first time since 2021, our Boys are headed to Carrolton! Girls: Freshman Sarah Jane Shipley was first amongst our girls who ran their best team race of the season. Abby Reams, Brooke Linard, Tamar Amrani and Jenna McJunkin were our 2-5 scorers, and they all raced phenomenally! With a mere 56 second 1-5 split, our scorers all filed in within the top 50 places! Way to go Girls and congratulations on returning to State for two years in a row! HUGE thank you to Linda McJunkin, our Boosterclub, and Coach Westrick for all of their planning that went into our trip. We could not have had the trip without you! And very importantly, thank you to all of the parents for making the trip down to cheer on their runners. It makes a difference! State We will be racing this Friday, 11/8! We will run the same teams who ran at Sectionals. The bus leaves at 7:30am on Friday so everyone needs to report to the gym lobby at 7:15am. Boys: 10:30am Alex Loffredio Jensen Elwell Oliver Abbott Andrew Halligan Jude Wright Ben Snead Alex Marcus (Kevin Westrick Brodie Munn Lucas Boden Jackson Bacon Xavier Pasquier) Girls: 11:15am Sarah Jane Shipley Abby Reams Jenna McJunkin Brooke Linard Tamar Amrani Hannah Litvak Chloe Warren (Julia Lovell Amelia Ferriera Zoe Wesolowski Hailey Cook Allison Morris) Information about the meet can be found here: https://www.ghsa.net/cross-country Practice this week: Similar to last week, we will be ending a bit earlier than normal. Our practices will end by 5:00pm. We will not be meeting on Tuesday due to the election. All runners are expected to run an easy 2 miles and 4 strides. Banquet Save the date! Our XC 2024 Banquet will be on Wednesday, November 13th at St. Lukes Presbyterian Church! We will begin dinner at 6:30pm and the ceremony will begin at 7:00pm. We can't wait to see everyone there to celebrate our amazing season! Go Wildcats!!! Sectionals Meet Itinerary: (For a printable pdf itinerary click here.)
Friday 11/1: 11:02am - Students dismissed from 2nd period. Go straight to the Gym Lobby. 11:30am-12:00pm - Bus arrives from Chamblee, picks up DHS runners, departs 3:30pm - Bus arrives at Toombs County High School (race course) (500 Bulldog Rd, Lyons, GA 30436). Practice. 5:30pm - Dinner at Hardware Pizza (131 SW Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436) 7:30pm - Arrive at hotel - Clarion Pointe (1509 East First Street Vidalia, Georgia) 9:00pm - Runners in rooms. Doors taped. Saturday 11/2: 6:00am - wake up. Breakfast provided in lobby/rooms 6:30am - Bus departs for Toombs County High School 6:45 am - Facility Opens for 5A Sectional 8:00 am - 5A Boys Alex Loffredio Jensen Elwell Oliver Abbott Andrew Halligan Jude Wright Ben Snead Alex Marcus (Kevin Westrick Brodie Munn Lucas Boden Jackson Bacon Xavier Pasquier) 8:45 am - 5A Girls Sarah Jane Shipley Abby Reams Jenna McJunkin Brooke Linard Tamar Amrani Hannah Litvak Chloe Warren (Julia Lovell Amelia Ferriera Zoe Wesolowski Hailey Cook Allison Morris) 9:30 am - 5A Region Awards 10:30am (latest) - Bus leaves for DHS/Chamblee 2:00pm - Bus returns to DHS We would like to invite the community to attend the Memorial Dedication for Brad Hendrickson. Brad was a beloved teacher and coach at Dunwoody High School.
The dedication will be held in Wildcat Alley next to the Dunwoody High School Track on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. We will be honoring Brad with a sculpture reveal, a new bench, and new tree. All are welcome. Please join us for this special recognition of Coach Hendrickson’s life and his impact over many years at Dunwoody High School and our community. Happy Sunday Wildcat XC! It is Sectionals week! We are preparing to take our section by storm and advance our hardworking teams onto the big dance in Carrolton!
Sectionals Information Meet Info: Location Address: Toombs County High School - 500 Bulldog Road Lyons, GA 30436 Parking Address: Quint Shrine Road Lyons, GA 30436 Sectional Schedule: 5A - Regions 1, 2, 4, 8 6:45 am - Facility Opens for 5A Sectional 8:00 am - 5A Boys Alex Loffredio Jensen Elwell Oliver Abbott Andrew Halligan Jude Wright Ben Snead Alex Marcus (Kevin Westrick Brodie Munn Lucas Boden Jackson Bacon Xavier Pasquier) 8:45 am - 5A Girls Sarah Jane Shipley Abby Reams Jenna McJunkin Brooke Linard Tamar Amrani Hannah Litvak Chloe Warren (Julia Lovell Amelia Ferriera Zoe Wesolowski Hailey Cook Allison Morris) 9:30 am - 5A Region Awards Travel Info: This will be an overnight trip. We will be leaving the school via coach bus on Friday, 11/1 at the end of the ROAR period (just like the Oakville trip). Lunch will be provided for the bus ride down/ We will be travelling with the Chamblee XC team who will arrive with the coach bus around noon. The bus will travel to the racecourse (500 Bulldog Road, Lyons, GA 30436) for practice and course preview Friday afternoon. We will be going out to eat at Hardware Pizza (131 SW Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436) for dinner. Breakfast will be provided on Saturday morning (bagels, granola bars, bananas). We will have Chic-fil-a after the meet for lunch on the return trip. A full itinerary will be passed out to the runners at practice this week. Parents, if you are interested in staying with the team, here is the hotel information: Hotel: Clarion Pointe 1509 East First Street Vidalia, Georgia Phone: 912-386-4198 Practice this week: This is an important week of practice. Runners, please limit your reasons for missing this week of practice. If you are unable to attend a day of practice, at most get an EASY 30-minute run followed by 4 strides. The pace of your run should be no faster than 2 minutes slower than your race pace. It is imperative that we properly taper before this meet. Our "workouts" this week will be light . Girls will "workout" on Monday/Wednesday and boys on Tuesday. Practices this week will end earlier than normal. We will be done by 5:00pm and we will not have practice Friday morning. It is also important to make wise and conscious decisions this week. This is regarding other athletic activities, diet, hydration, sleep, etc. You, and your teammates, have worked too hard since May for a bad decision to negatively affect our team. Let's stay focused! Banquet Save the date! Our XC 2024 Banquet will be on Wednesday, November 13th at St. Lukes Presbyterian Church! We will begin dinner at 6:30pm and the ceremony will begin at 7:00pm. We can't wait to see everyone there to celebrate our season! Parents, please take a look at the sign up genius linked below! If you can help, please sign up for one of the jobs. Thank you in advance for your consideration! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094DADAC22A46-52288139-cross?useFullSite=true#/ Go Wildcats!!! Happy Sunday Wildcat XC! I hope everyone has enjoyed their fall break!
Coach Wood This past Saturday, we competed at our last Invitational this season at Coach Wood! Championship Girls: Freshman Sarah Jane Shipley led our girls' team, followed by Abby Reams, Jenna McJunkin, Brooke Linard, and Tamar Amrani. The fog had yet to lift, and the weather was perfect for some very fast times! We saw many season bests in this race! JV Championship Girls: Junior Julia Lovell placed highest among our girls, followed by Amelia Ferriera, Zoe Wesolowski, Allison Morris and Emmy Knight! These girls followed suit with many more season bests! Varsity Boys: Junior Alex Loffredio took the win in this race and is on a roll with two 1st place finishes in a row! Jensen Elwell, Oliver Abbott, Andrew Halligan, and Jude Wright rounded out our scoring team that placed 4th overall! The late morning heat had set in by now, but the boys were not daunted! JV Boys: The JV Boys put on a clinic in this race! Kevin Westrick led them with a 3rd place finish, with a whole host of Wildcats following right behind! Brodie Munn (4th), Lucas Boden (5th), Jackson Bacon (6th), and Xavier Pasqueir (7th) scored to finalize a dominate 25-point team win! Jack Newsome (8th), and Jared Katz (13th) ran excellent races as well and placed very high! This race was ALL Dunwoody! Sectionals Saturday, 11/2, our XC team will be competing in the Sectionals meet in Toombs County! The top 12 teams at the sectionals race will move onto the State Meet on 11/8. The top 7 runners will be racing this day and the next five will serve as alternates. All 12 runners on each team are expected to continue practice with us for the next two weeks. Roster: Girls: Sarah Jane Shipley Abby Reams Jenna McJunkin Brooke Linard Tamar Amrani Hannah Litvak Chloe Warren Alternates: Julia Lovell Amelia Ferriera Zoe Wesolowski Hailey Cook Allison Morris Boys: Alex Loffredio Jensen Elwell Oliver Abbott Andrew Halligan Jude Wright Ben Snead Alex Marcus Alternates: Kevin Westrick Brodie Munn Lucas Boden Jackson Bacon Xavier Pasquier Travel Information This will be an overnight trip. We will be leaving the school via coach bus on Friday, 11/1 at the end of the ROAR period (just like the Oakville trip) and lunch will be provided. We will be travelling with the Chamblee XC team. The bus will travel to the race course (500 Bulldog Road, Lyons, GA 30436) for practice and course preview Friday afternoon. The bus will drive back to Dunwoody/Chamblee following the meet. Hotel: Clarion Pointe 1509 East First Street Vidalia, Georgia Phone: 912-386-4198 Big Thank You If your name is not on the list above, I want to send a sincere and enormous thank you to all of you for the contributions you have made to the program this year. We have had a historic year in DHS XC, and none of it could have been possible without you. Banquet Save the date! Our XC 2024 Banquet will be on Wednesday, November 13th at St. Lukes Presbyterian Church! We will begin dinner at 6:30pm and the ceremony will begin at 7:00pm. We can't wait to see everyone there to celebrate our season! Parents, please take a look at the sign up genius linked below! If you can help, please sign up for one of the jobs. Thank you in advance for your consideration! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094DADAC22A46-52288139-cross?useFullSite=true#/ Go Wildcats!!! Welcome to fall break DHS XC!
The main story this week is Dunwoody's remarkable performance at the Varsity County Championship on Tuesday! Girls: The Varsity Girls won their 3rd county championship in the last 5 years! Freshman Sarah Jane Shipley led the girls with a 2nd overall place! Abby Reams, Brooke Linard, Jenna McJunkin, and Chloe Warren rounded out our scoring team and all placed in the Top 10! Our 6 & 7, Tamar Amrani and Hannah Litvak placed in the top 14 finishing a Dominating team performance with only 34 points! Boys: The Varsity Boys made history with the first County Championship win since 1991! Junior Alex Loffredio won the individual title and led the boys with Oliver Abbott (9th), Jensen Elwell, Jude Wright, and Andrew Halligan also scoring some key points! The boys won by a margin of 5 points - every spot counted! This was the first team sweep in the County Championships in school history! Go wildcats!!! Coach Wood Our last Invitational, Coach Wood, is coming up this Saturday 10/19. The bus will leave Dunwoody at 5:45am. All runners must report outside of the gym lobby by 5:30am. We will continue to use the same meet placement guidelines to select the 12-runner Sectionals roster. The top 12 on each team will receive priority selection to the post-season team. Championship Girls (8:40am) Sarah Jane Shipley Brooke Linard Tamar Amrani Abby Reams Chloe Warren Jenna McJunkin Hailey Cook Hannah Litvak JV Championship Girls (9:35am) Julia Lovell Amelia Ferriera Emmy Knight Allison Morris Kylee Warren Charlotte Coates Lauren Abbott Zoe Wesolowski Charlotte Francis Sarah Gromatzky Lucy Arellano Varsity Boys (11:10am) Alex Loffredio Jensen Elwell Oliver Abbott Andrew Halligan Jude Wright Cole Young Alex Marcus Ben Snead JV Cardinal Boys (12:05pm) Kevin Westrick Brodie Munn Jack Newsome Lucas Boden Jackson Bacon Rocco Koekemoer Jared Katz Lawson Conner Ethan Bassen Marshall Douglass Nicholas Halligan Ben Newsome Fleetwood Loustalot Bo Boettcher Mason Douglass Reed Harvey Max Jacobs Liam Warren Patterson Zack Xavier Pasquier Ashton Fordham Andrew Smolen Andre Mikovenyi Holden Parker Matias Zapata Joey Guggenheim Noah Williams Fall Break 10/14-18 We will meet from 8:30-10:00am Monday-Friday this week at the DHS Track. All runners are expected to attend these practices unless you let Coach Chriszt know you will not be attending by last Friday. If you are not able to attend, this is the general plan for this week. Do your best to keep up! Monday: 12-16 x race pace 400's with 200m jog rest Tuesday: easy run - 45-60 minutes Wednesday: 6-8 x Race Pace 800's with equal time standing rest. Thursday: easy run - 45-60 minutes Friday: Race Prep Make sure you warm up, stretch, and cool down for each workout. Kennesaw Mountain 10/12 Yesterday, the DHS XC team once again ran to the summit of Kennesaw Mountain! Go Wildcats!!! |